[youtube www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOdt48gB2VE?cc_load_policy=1&w=580&h=385%5D
10 Low-Calorie German Dishes – German Healthy Food
In this video we will be talking about German Low-Calorie main courses. I thought that this will be a fun video to make in January because you may find German healthy dishes useful especially in this time of a year. So if you are looking for some German dinners or low calorie german cuisine recipes please watch this inspirational video.
★ Food mentioned ★
1. Salate – Salad
2. Hühnersuppe – Chicken Soup
3. Eier in Senf Soße
4. Pannfish – Fried fish with hard boiled eggs and mustard sauce
5. Kartoffeln mit Quark
6. Tafelspitz mit Buillionkartoffeln und Meerrettichsoße – Beef Topside with Potatoes and
7. Eier mit Grüner Soße – Hard boiled Eggs with Green Sauce
8. Kohlsuppe – Cabbage Soup
9. Karpfen Blau – Carp boiled in vinegar water
10. Rindersolber mit Sauerkraut – Cured beef with Sauerkraut
How to make Quark: www.daringgourmet.com/how-to-make-quark/
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