[youtube www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LJPfBNGqCk?cc_load_policy=1&w=580&h=385%5D
In this recipe, I share with you good way to turn Carrot on delicious and tasty Side dish with homemade Orange dressing. You will enjoy it!
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5 Grated Medium Carrots
Dry Cranberries (1/4 cup)
White Dry Grapes (1/4 cup)
Chopped Pecans or nuts of your choice (1/4 cup)
Chopped Parsely (1 Tbp)
Chia Seeds (1 Tsp)
For orange salad dressing:
Juice of 2 oranges
Juice of half lemon
Apple butter (2 Tsp)
Natural honey (1 Tbs)
Salt & Pepper to taste
Dry Thyme (1 Tsp)
5 Carottes moyennes rappées
30g Canneberges
30g raisins blancs secs
30g Pacanes concassés
1 c à s persil émincé
1 c à c graines de chia
Pour la sauce d’orange:
Jus de 2 orange
Jus d’un demi citron
2 c à c beurre de pomme
1 c à s miel naturel
Sel et poivre
1 c à c thym